n1= if (%winner == 1) { /me $me Recovers and runs to his desk and take out a shotgun and blows the shit outa $$1 | /kick # $$1 Your dead jolly man }
n2= elseif (%winner == 2) { /me $me recovers but to late $$1 reached $me $+ 's $+ desk and takes out his shot gun and fires the bullets hit mostly in the head and $me dies a slow death | /kick # $me Your Dead! }
n123=$nopnick(9,#mIRC) returns the 9th non-Op nickname on #mIRC
n124=$nopnick(0,#mIRC) returns the the total number of non-Ops on #mIRC
n125=/text /dde Mirc command "" /text
n126=/pageaway /timer 999 80 /ame away Since %awaytime Message: %awayMessage type /ctcp $me page to get my attention.
n127=/nickaway /timer 999 40 /ame away Since %awaytime Message: %awayMessage
n128=/j /join $$1
n129=/startup clear | echo <-nIRC 1.0 by Nemisis-> This is not a war scipt I made it that way because I am not in a war mood it is mostly a protection script If you are looking for a script with floods clones etc. Go to http://members.tripod.com/~Acid1234/MircMall There you will find alot of scripts including Nemisis 1.3 by acid inc. witch I am President of it has every thing you need to start and win A WAR! | /wavplay C:\nirc\Nemisis.wav
n140=/fake /write C:\Nirc\Fake.log Session Start: %startuptime | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > You fag I'm Icmp flooding you off!!!! | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > What did I do to you..? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > You are Alive fag but now you die i'm dns'ing you and then I am going to icmp flood you off!!!!! | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > If I did nothing to you then I have the right to tell an ircop | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Ircops are fucking fags like you die! | /fake2
n142=/fake3 /write C:\Nirc\Fake.log Session Start: %startuptime | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Hey...Guess what? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > What? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > I am flooding you fucking ass off. I'm getting all my clones all my friends and do you know why..BECAUSE YOR A FAG!!!!!!!!!! | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > I did nothing to you I have the right to tell an ircop | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Ircops are fucking fags like you die! | /fake2
n144=/fake4 /write C:\Nirc\Fake.log Session Start: %startuptime | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Trade? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > huh? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > I need 4-14 female | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > What are you talking about? | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Some guy just told me you were trading kiddie sex pix...are you? | | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > Umm...no that really gross | /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ %fake $+ > Gross? NO ITS COOL! you get to see em when there strarting out...i like it like that.! | /fake5
n145=/fake5 /write C:\Nirc\fake.log < $+ $me $+ > Well I think it's god-damed gross i'm going to tell someone about it cause it's not right! | /fake2